Kochia arrested for illegally transporting paddy, driver absconded leaving the pickup

Raigarh. The investigation team has caught the owner of the pickup vehicle coming from Odisha to transport paddy. The pickup had 58 sacks of paddy illegally loaded in it. The Food Department has registered a case in the matter and further investigation is being done.
On Tuesday, the joint team of Food and Agriculture Department received information that illegal paddy is being brought to Raigarh from Odisha in a pickup loaded with illegal paddy. In such a situation, three separate teams were formed to trace the pickup loaded with illegal paddy. Where at around 1 o’clock in the night, it was found that paddy loaded in a pickup has come towards Lamdand from the unpaved road of Odisha. In such a situation, the investigation team saw that pickup near Bijna Lamdand and started chasing it.
Then the investigation team caught the pickup in Lamdand. The driver left the pickup and ran away, but the owner of the paddy, Bhishmadev Khamhari, was caught. In such a situation, during interrogation, he told that he had brought paddy from Taparia in Odisha. Which has been seized by the investigation team under the Mandi Act and handed over to the committee.