
Know the benefits of celery

Ajwain is a storehouse of medicinal properties. Apart from eating it in every kitchen, it is also used a lot in Ayurveda. Celery not only enhances the taste of food, but it also cures you of diseases related to the stomach. So let’s know the benefits of celery.
1 Drinking it daily reduces the risk of diabetes.

  1. This medicine is also very beneficial in diseases related to the mouth. If it is taken daily in the morning with water, then the problem of toothache and bad breath goes away.
  2. Celery cures stomach diseases. It also gives relief from constipation. It helps in digesting food quickly.
  3. Celery also removes the problem of cold and cough. Drinking this also avoids the risk of asthma.
  4. If you are having cold and cough, then drinking a pinch of black salt mixed with celery water will cure cough.
  5. If you are troubled by not being able to sleep, then drinking a cup of ajwain water daily before going to bed helps you sleep better.
  6. Ajwain oil is beneficial for the treatment of arthritis pain. Massaging the affected joints with ajwain oil on a regular basis provides relief from pain, which in turn leads to healing of arthritis.
  7. Celery is also very beneficial in digestive problems. Chewing a tablespoon of ajwain with sugar will provide relief from indigestion. It can also be eaten without sugar.
  8. Celery reduces water accumulation in the body, also brightens your face.
  9. It is beneficial in case of vomiting, mouth diseases and piles.
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