
Kishan Reddy couple worshiped Ujjain Mahakali

Hyderabad: Accompanied by his wife, Kavya, Union Minister for Coal and Mines G Kishan Reddy visited the Ujjain Mahankali temple on Sunday. The first Bonam to the presiding deity was offered by Kavya Reddy, and the couple performed Puja to Mahankali. Kishan Reddy said he prayed to the goddess to shower her blessings for the well-being of all sections of people in Telangana and for peace and prosperity for all in the country.

Kishan Reddy said that the tradition of offering Bonalu has been going on for centuries and it is a unique tradition observed in Telangana. In particular, offering Bonalu to the Ujjain Mahankali in Secunderabad is significant for the people, he added.

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