
Kerala police chief orders crackdown on police-criminal collusion

THIRUVANANTHAPURAM: State police chief Sheikh Darvesh Sahib has ordered strict legal action be taken against cops who establish connections with anti-social elements. He also highlighted that stringent steps need to be taken to ensure that such individuals are removed from service. He was speaking at the Crime Review Conference held at the police headquarters here on Saturday.

The State Police Chief informed that training has been provided to approximately 38,000 police officers, including district police chiefs, on the new codes coming into effect next month. The remaining officers will receive training soon. He urged district police chiefs to conduct widespread awareness campaigns in order to prevent the upsurge in online frauds. They must utilise the services of Janamaithri Police for this purpose. He also emphasised that special attention must be given to ensuring that disciplinary actions against police officers are completed within the specified time frame.

“In order to combat crimes committed against women and children, the District Police Chiefs have to take strict measures and arrest the culprits in such cases. Investigations must be intensified in cases of missing women and children. Steps should also be taken to prevent theft and assaults against individuals and to apprehend criminals in such cases,” said Darvesh Sahib.

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