Kerala D.El.Ed 2024: The Department of Education has declared the April 2024 session exam results for Diploma in Primary Education (D.El.Ed). Candidates who took the Kerala DELEd exam can check their results on the official website deledexam.kerala.gov.in. “April 2024 D.El.Ed Exam: Individual results available. Check ‘Results’ menu,” reads the official statement. Earlier the starting dates for the third semester DEIEd exam were from April 29 to May 7. However, it was later rescheduled for May 8. To check the Kerala DELEd result, students need to enter their roll number, date of birth and semester on the login page of the website.
Kerala D.El.Ed 2024: How to check result
Step 1: Visit the official website of Kerala Primary Education Diploma Exam at deledexam.kerala.gov.in.
Step 2: Find the “Results” section on the home page.
Step 3: On the login page, enter your date of birth, registration number, and the particular semester and submit.
Step 4: Your DELEd exam result will appear on the screen. Step 5: Check your results carefully and save or print a copy for later use.
By downloading the Kerala DELed Result 2024 for April session exam, students will be able to see information such as candidate name, roll number, section wise marks, total marks, qualifying status, and rank obtained in the Kerala April 2024 DELed exam. It is necessary to verify all your personal information to detect any discrepancy.
Candidates who successfully pass the exam will be called for the next round of the interview process, after which the admission will be decided based on the overall performance of the candidate in both the stages. Those who pass both the rounds will be eligible for admission to the 2-year DELED training program. Candidates should check the official website daily to know the dates of the next round of interview process. The two-year DELEd diploma program prepares primary teachers for positions in primary or higher education. The four-semester program provides applicants with an opportunity to clear the state-level TET exam or CTET.