Karnataka: Millet dishes to soon be included in mid-day meals and Indira canteen menus

Bengaluru: It is possible that the state government will soon include Mizo cuisine in the mid-day meal and Indira’s meal. Prime Minister Siddaramaiah, who inaugurated the “Feria International of Mizo and Products Organics 2024” on Friday, said he would soon call a meeting with interested departments to decide on the use of Mizo. “Hearts are healthy and make our students and citizens stronger. Mizo can also be cultivated in areas with low rainfall and fertile soil. They have many benefits for health, hence the state government is also interested in organizing Mizo Utsav”, he said. He said the state will also create an exclusive innovation center to promote Mizo. “The center will facilitate production of high quality Mizo seeds, development of new varieties and improvement in exports of Mizo,” Siddaramaiah said. It was also pointed out that it is necessary to cultivate chemical-free foods, which means that consumption of chemical mixed foods is one of the main causes of many diseases. “Grains contain high amounts of nitrogen, sodium, vitamins and fiber. Studies have shown that consumption of chemical mixed foods is also an important cause of many diseases. Consuming organic grains is important”, he said. After pointing out that organic and whole grains have become increasingly popular and are also healthier, Siddaramaiah said the government is implementing measures to promote the cultivation of organic crops and mizo.