Jharkhand: Former Chief Minister Raghubar Das joined the Bharatiya Janata Party on Friday. After returning to active politics, he announced that the party will return to power in Jharkhand. He had resigned from the post of Odisha Governor on December 24 after the party’s defeat in the assembly elections. Das was given a warm welcome at the BJP state headquarters in the presence of party state unit president Babulal Marandi, working president Ravindra Rai, Union Minister Sanjay Seth and hundreds of supporters.
On the occasion, Das said that he is happy to join the party for the second time after 1980 and will serve the people. He had to leave the party after assuming the post of Odisha Governor in 2023. He said that in the 2024 assembly elections, all the party members from the state president to the booth-level workers made sincere efforts, but we did not get the expected results. “We should not be disappointed with the results,” Das said.
“The party suffered a major setback in the 2024 Jharkhand assembly elections and despite an all-round attack, it managed to win only 21 seats. The JMM-led coalition has come to power for the second consecutive time by winning 56 seats in the 81-member assembly. He said that the people of Jharkhand have given their mandate to the coalition government. We respect the mandate and hope that the government will fulfill the promises made to the people. We will give them two to three months to fulfill their promises. If the government fails to do so, we will take to the streets and struggle.