Jammu News: MoU signed to promote Himalayan medicinal plants

Jammu. Jammu: A Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) was signed between the National Institute of Sowa-Rigpa, Leh and Himalayan Forest Research Institute – ICFRE, Shimla, Himachal Pradesh at the National Institute of Sowa-Rigpa, Leh.
Dr. Padma Gurmet, Director on behalf of National Institute of Sowa-Rigpa and Dr. Sandeep Sharma, Director, Himalayan Forest Research Institute, Shimla signed the MoU.
“The main objective of the MoU is to promote and foster academic and research collaboration on Himalayan medicinal plants, faculty and student exchanges, teaching programmes and to facilitate conservation, promotion and development of traditional systems of medicine including Sowa-Rigpa system of medicine,” an official spokesperson said.
The areas of cooperation in the MoU include conducting joint research and development projects in the areas of traditional medicine and health systems research, basic medicine and allied science research funded by specific funding sources. “Secondly, it includes organising continuing education programmes including joint seminars, workshops, webinars, conferences and continuing medical education (CME) and developing academic programmes in areas of mutual interest,” the spokesperson said. Additionally, it includes exchange of students, post-doctoral scholars and faculty for research and teaching or training programmes and cultivation, conservation, survey and documentation of Himalayan medicinal plants. The MoU also includes use of laboratory and library facilities for institutional members and scholars of both the institutions.