
India’s Abhilash Tomy Finishes Toughest Solo Sailing Race

India’s Abhilash Tomy has brought laurels to the country by becoming one of only two people to complete the world’s toughest solo sailing race, the Golden Globe Race 2022 on Saturday

The retired Navy Commander Tomy, according to the NDTV report finished the non-stop circumnavigation of the globe in a small boat without any electronic aid, after South African sailor Kirsten Neuschafer at 1:30 PM IST in Les Sables d’Olonne, France.

The report said Commander Tomy sailed for 236 days on his 36-foot yacht Thuriya, a replica of the boat used by Sir Robin Knox-Johnston, the first person to sail solo around the world in 1968. “The race rules required the participants to use only equipment and technology available in 1968, such as sextants, paper charts and wind-up chronometers,” the report said.

It added: “The race started on September 4, 2022, from Les Sables-d’Olonne in France, with 16 sailors from 11 countries. Only two of them managed to complete the gruelling challenge, which tested their physical and mental stamina to the limit. The other finisher was Australian Mark Sinclair, who came in second place.”
Commander Tomy’s journey was not without hardships and dangers, the report stated.

“He faced storms, isolation and fatigue. He also had to overcome a serious injury that nearly ended his sailing career five years ago. In 2018, while participating in the same race, he was caught in a violent storm in the Indian Ocean that broke the mast of his boat and left him with a broken spine. He was rescued by a French naval vessel after three days of agony,” it said.

It added: “But he did not give up on his dream of sailing around the world. He underwent surgery and rehabilitation and prepared himself for another attempt. He said he wanted to prove to himself and others that he could do it”.

Commander Tomy received a warm welcome from his family, friends and supporters as he crossed the finish line at Les Sables-d’Olonne on Saturday, the report said.

He also received congratulations from Indian Navy chief Admiral R Hari Kumar, who praised him for making India proud. Commander Tomy said he was happy and relieved to complete the race, and thanked everyone who helped him along the way, the report said.

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