
Hyderabad: Government schools to provide vocational education from next academic year

Hyderabad: More government-administered schools will offer vocational education from the next academic year. The school education department, which has drawn up a plan for the introduction of vocational courses, has asked district education officers to propose six schools in each district. Selected schools of ZPHS, Government Secondary Schools, Kasturba Gandhi Balika Vidyalayas and Residential Educational Institutions Societies of Telangana State provide regular academic and vocational education under the overall education of the Union Government. At present, 431 schools including 194 Model Schools, 135 Zilla Parishad and GHS, 66 KGBV, 14 TSREIS and 22 Radial Schools provide vocational education in sectors like Electronics, IT-ITES, Textiles, Agriculture, Plumbing, Beauty & Wellness and Tourism . , hospitality. These courses are offered to students of class IX Offices will be started in schools with high enrollment for the academic year 2023-24 with the addition of at least one additional room for setting up a permanent business laboratory. To guarantee industrial visits and entertainment, schools will introduce businesses as per the availability of industries in the district. Moreover, to facilitate vocational education, selected schools will be converted into Kendriya Vidyalayas for nearby schools in future. The proposed schools for vocational education will be presented in the Samagra Shiksha Board of Approval Projects (PAB) meeting to be held in February. Officials said the PAB will approve vocational schools for two academic years i.e. 2024-25 and 2025-26. Investigation to identify ‘out of school children’ in Telangana It is conducting a survey to identify out-of-school children in the state and determine the number of children who are out of school or have dropped out of school between the ages of 6 and 14 years. 15 to 19 years old. Based on the survey, the net enrollment rate and gross enrollment rate for the academic year 2024-25 will be determined, along with necessary interventions to ensure that all children not attending school are enrolled. Group and DLMT experts have been entrusted with the responsibility of conducting surveys in schools and door-to-door. If a child remains absent continuously for 30 days, he will be considered as having dropped out of school.

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