
Hyderabad CP urges youth to stay away from drugs

Hyderabad: City police commissioner K Srinivas Reddy on Thursday scolded the youth for not maintaining a relationship with drugs and ruining their health and careers. The Commission of Hyderabad directed a meeting of medical students from three different institutions (Institute of Medical Sciences Shadan, Faculty of Women’s Medicine Dr. VRK and Institute of Medical Sciences Ayan) during the actual Pulsation 2023, a cultural, literary festival. And the gastronomic event is organized annually. By joint institutions. On that occasion, medical students and police jointly organized an awareness demonstration against drug abuse. Hyderabad Police Commissioner had suspended the demonstration. Around 2,000 people participated in the demonstration which started at SIMS, Peerancheru and ended at the Telangana State Police Academy. Dr. Nasihuddin of Instituto Shadan de Sciences Medicas said that, as the medical fraternity, they have seen the adverse effects of drugs in the human body and in the people suffering due to the use of the drugs. He focuses on measures to control drug abuse and drug addiction among adolescents and their effects in society.

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