Hyderabad: Candidate Motilal Naik taken into custody, said Youth Congress will overthrow the government

Hyderabad: Motilal Naik, a group job aspirant who recently went on a nine-day hunger strike demanding an increase in Group II and III vacancies, on Friday said that unemployed youths will soon overthrow the Congress government in the state. “Unemployed youths who had helped the Congress party form the government in Telangana state will soon overthrow it,” he said after being detained by police while staging a protest at the TGPSC in Nampally. Government job aspirants on Friday called for a peaceful protest at the Telangana Public Service Commission (TGPSC) and demanded the Congress government to fulfil its poll assurances. He said that the unemployed youths will gherao New Delhi and question Rahul Gandhi over his party’s failure to fulfil the promises made to unemployed youths in Telangana during the assembly elections.
Naik said if their demands were not met by Friday evening, Telangana youths would hold a march of 30 lakh people to Hyderabad in the next two-three days. “The government should not hold any discussion with the unemployed youth but accept their demands and issue a GO,” he demanded. Naik wanted the government to address their demands, which include selection of candidates for Group-I main exam in the ratio of 1:100 instead of 1:50, increase in Group-II vacancies by 2,000 and Group-III vacancies by 3,000, issue of mega DSC notification and postponement of DSC. “If this does not happen, we will intensify the protest,” he warned. Several government job aspirants, including women, who had reached the commission in batches were also detained and shifted to the local police station.