
How to use camphor for hair

When you do not take adequate and good care of your hair, it leads to many hair related problems. In which dandruff is the most common problem. Dandruff is considered to be the main cause of many hair problems. Because it damages you hair in many ways. It is a major reason for problems ranging from hair fall to slow hair growth, dry and frizzy hair, thinning hair and itchy scalp. To get rid of this, people try a lot from hair oil, shampoo, mask to home remedies. But still does not get rid of dandruff. Because of this, not only does it damage your hair, but it also falls from your head and gets deposited on your shoulders and clothes, due to which many times you have to face embarrassment in front of people. In such a situation, people are often very worried about this matter, how to eliminate dandruff?
Do you know that by applying camphor in the hair one can get rid of dandruff easily? Yes, you read that right! This is because camphor is rich in powerful antibacterial and antifungal properties. Due to which it is very effective in cleaning dead skin, harmful bacteria and fungus from the scalp. It is also very effective in getting rid of itching and allergies of the scalp. If you use camphor in the hair in the right way, it will not only eliminate dandruff, but also remove many hair problems. In this article, we are telling you 3 ways to remove dandruff with camphor.
Ways to use camphor for dandruff in hindi

  1. Mix it with oil
    This is the easiest way to apply camphor in hair. For this you can use mustard, coconut oil, castor or olive any hair oil. All you have to do is take oil as per the requirement, then put it in a vessel on the gas to get a little hot. Now add 1-2 tablets of camphor or grind them and let it dissolve well. After that turn off the gas. Allow the oil to cool and when it remains lukewarm, massage it well by applying it to the scalp. Leave it in the hair overnight, then wash it out in the morning.
  2. Mix camphor in lemon juice and apply
    Lemon is rich in vitamin C and citric acid, which makes it very effective in removing dandruff. For this, you have to heat camphor in oil and after it dissolves, add 1-2 teaspoons of lemon juice to it. Apply this mixture thoroughly on the scalp and hair. Make sure to massage the scalp. Leave it overnight as well, then wash your hair in the morning.
  3. Mix reethi and camphor and apply
    Reetha is an excellent Ayurvedic herb to keep hair healthy. To use reetha and camphor, you have to soak reetha in water before sleeping at night. Put it on the gas to boil in the morning, then add camphor and sulfur to it. Boil well. Use this water as a hair cleanser. This will not only clean the dirt of the scalp, but it will also get rid of dandruff quickly.
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    In this way, using camphor in hair will help you get rid of dandruff quickly. Try to use it 2-3 times a week. This will also help a lot in keeping the hair healthy.
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