Home Minister Vijay Sharma distributed scooties to 25 disabled people

Kawardha. Home Minister Vijay Sharma has distributed scooties to 25 Divyangjans. In the post, Home Minister Vijay Sharma said, today scooties were provided to 25 Divyangjans in Kawardha MLA office so that their life becomes more comfortable. We are determined to make every possible effort keeping in mind the facilities of the Divyangjans.
“There were a lot of difficulties earlier” Thank you
“I will become an officer when I grow up”
When my daughter said this, I feel blessed. I worked in the social sector with the thought of public welfare and it is coming true!
There were many Divyangs who had to face difficulties in life, today when they were provided scooties, they were very happy that now they will not have to face problems.