
High-tension wires damaged in Dhavalim: Electricity restored but locals raised concerns about safety

PONDA: Accidental damage to high tension lines by sewerage workers during digging of sewage pipes in Dhavalim has raised concerns among locals about possible disasters and lack of coordination between various departments engaged in development work. The incident plunged Dhavalim into darkness for several hours, leading residents to question the safety of underground utility services passing in the same direction. The incident also led to damage to the water line at the same location, causing inconvenience to residents.

Despite power being restored after strenuous efforts, the incident has highlighted the need to enhance safety measures during development projects.

Viraj Sapre of Ponda stressed the importance of coordination during excavation work for development projects. He highlighted the absence of ducts to pass utility services and pointed to examples where natural gas lines, water lines, power cables and sewerage lines are located underground one above the other. Sapre stressed that development should not compromise the safety and well-being of people and workers.

The issue of supply disruption and risk arising due to damaged gas lines during recent excavation work at various places in Ponda was also raised. Sapre urged the departments to make coordinated plans, layouts and coordinate with each other to prevent untoward incidents in future. “Gas lines and power lines should not be in the same direction but should be installed on opposite sides of the road. Similarly, water pipes and electrical wires should not be close to each other to avoid shock,” he stressed.

Locals of Dhavlim said that the employee operating the digging machine not only damaged the electrical wires but also got a shock when his machine hit the cable. Fortunately, the worker escaped injury.

Despite attempts to contact the Sewerage Corporation engineer for comment on the issue, no response was received.

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