
Here’s a list of foods for preventing hair fall, Read to know

One of the most common problems faced by women is hair fall or hair loss. Especially in the current time, every one out of four women face hair loss issues. It is important to note that there are multiple reasons why one might face hair loss issues. This may be due to lifestyle, diet, stress, changes in hormones, etc. However, it is important to know that hair loss can be controlled with few simple methods, including making some changes to your diet.

Today we bring to you, a list of foods that can help your control hair fall. Read to know: Eggs Eggs are rich in protein and biotin content. Both of these elements promote hair strength. Moreover, protein acts like the building block for your hair which is why, the lack of this nutrient in your body leads to hair loss. Further, biotin is essential in producing keratin, yet another kind of hair protein. Spinach These leafy and green vegetables are rich in iron, vitamin A and C, and folate as well. When combined, these elements act magically for hair growth. These nutrients are beneficial for keeping your scalp healthy as well. Low Fat Dairy Products Low fat dairy products have high content of Calcium in them. This is an extremely essential mineral for hair growth as it contains both whey and casein.

Greek Yoghurt in particular, is an excellent source of protein, vitamin B5, and vitamin D. Combined, all of these contribute largely to the health of hair. Sweet Potato Sweet potatoes are rich in an element called at beta-carotenoids. Upon consumption, beta-carotene gets converted to vitamin A inside the body. Notably, vitamin A largely helps in the production of sebum. Sebum is an oily substance that promotes scalp health. Regular consumption of sweet potatoes can help in keeping your hair moisturized as well. Seeds and Legumes Seeds are power packed with Vitamin E, Zinc, and Selenium. Some seeds also contain omega-3 fatty acids. These nutrients work great when it comes to the prevention of hair loss. Further, legumes like lentils, beans, and chickpeas are yet another of the foods for hair fall. These contain protein, iron, zinc, and biotin which are essential for healthy hair.

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