
Global South countries were most affected by the Kovid epidemic: PM Modi

Delhi. Prime Minister Narendra Modi co-chaired the 3rd India-Pacific Islands Cooperation (FIPIC) Summit with Prime Minister James Marape of Papua New Guinea 14 Pacific Island Countries (PICs) are participating in the summit. In which Prime Minister Narendra Modi said that the Kovid epidemic had the most impact on the Global South countries. Challenges related to climate change, natural disasters, hunger, poverty and health were already there, now new problems are arising like fuel, fertilizer and pharma. There are also constraints in its supply. Those whom we considered our own, came to know that they were not with us when needed. In this difficult time, the old saying ‘A friend in need is a friend in deed’ has been proved along with the UN Secretary General, I launched Mission Life means Lifestyle for Environment. India has taken initiatives like International Solar Alliance and CDRI. I understand that most of the countries are associated with the Solar Alliance.

Further, PM Modi said that India considers it its responsibility to convey the concerns of the Global South, their expectations and their aspirations to the world through the G20. This was my effort in the last two days at the G7 summit as well. India has put forward ambitious targets on the issue of climate change. I am glad that we are working fast on these.

India has been helping all partner countries according to its capabilities. As I have said before, for me you are a big ocean country, not a small island state. Your ocean connects India with you.

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