Glenmark Life Sciences Share Price -3.68% Down

Business Business: Today Tuesday 24 December, 2024 | 15:00 hrs, Glenmark Life Sciences is trading at Rs 957.00, down -3.68% from its previous close price. Glenmark Life Sciences has been trading in a price range of 994.00 and 956.00. Glenmark Life Sciences has given 51.27% this year and -3.35% in the last 5 days.
Days Simple Moving Average
5 Days 1,019.38
10 Days 1,026.75
20 Days 1,053.10
50 Days 1,072.25
100 Days 1,068.38
300 Days 1,005.51
The TTM P/E ratio of Glenmark Life Sciences is 30.60 while the sector P/E is 31.75. There are 5 analysts who have initiated coverage on Glenmark Life Sciences. There are 3 analysts who have given it a strong buy rating and 2 analysts have given it a buy rating. 0 analysts have rated the stock as a sell.
The company posted a net profit of 95.32 crore in its last quarter.
Listed peers of Glenmark Life Sciences include Sanofi India (-1.03%), Marksans Pharma (-0.05%), Glenmark Life Sciences (-3.68%), etc.
Public stake in Glenmark Life Sciences is 25.00%. Mutual Fund stake in Glenmark Life Sciences was 2.82% as on 30 Sep 2024. MF stake has increased from the previous quarter. FII stake in Glenmark Life Sciences was 7.85% as on 30 Sep 2024. FII stake has increased from the previous quarter.