
Giant snake caused electricity, people were shocked by the heat

Bastar. Due to strong storms in Bastar, there was always a power failure. But this time such an incident has happened, which you will also be surprised to hear. In fact, a giant snake climbed into the high voltage 11 KV electric pole, due to which the pole got short circuited. Due to this incident, half of Jagdalpur city lost electricity for hours. Due to the accident, the transformer installed in the pole was also completely damaged.

On the second day of Navtapa, suddenly in the afternoon half of Jagdalpur city lost electricity. Due to this, all the people suddenly became light from the heat. After people’s complaint, employees of Jagdalpur Electricity Department were sent to the affected areas of the city to find and fix the fault. The employees worked hard for hours, also checked all the circuits. But could not reach the fault, due to which the employees also got upset. Meanwhile, suddenly the eyes of the Jagdalpur Electricity Department employee fell on the transformer installed on the 11 KV main line located behind the Jagdalpur Kendriya Vidyalaya of the city. Where a snake had climbed and a short circuit had happened because of the snake. The transformer there was also damaged and the snake also died. On the information of transformer failure, other equipment of the department was brought to the main line. After a lot of effort, electricity came back in the city and the people of the city got relief from the heat.

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