
Former president of Paddy Society commits suicide in Gauthan

Rajnandgaon. A former president of Khursitikul Society of Dongargaon area committed suicide after allegedly writing a letter to a BJP leader accusing him of harassment. There has been no reaction from the party yet on the allegations against the BJP leader. Congress has demanded action against the culprits regarding this matter.

Information received: Lakshman Sahu, former president of Gram Khursitikul Seva Sahari Samiti of Dongargaon area, committed suicide on Thursday by hanging himself from an acacia tree in Gauthan near the paddy procurement centre.

According to information received from sources, former Chairman Shri Sahu has also written a suicide note before dying. Which includes the names of some public representatives, which have been confiscated by the police. The deceased has a son and a daughter. His last rites were performed at Griha village.

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