
Flood crisis deepens in Balasore

Odisha: The flood situation in Balasore is continuously worsening and despite the fall in water level, large areas are submerged. Most villages are submerged in water, leading to a severe drinking water crisis. Cows are dying due to being cut off from the village, but the problem is getting worse. According to this report, the water level of Subarnakha river near Rajghat reached a critical limit of 10.36 meters and has come down to 10.09 meters at 6 am, but the bad days are not over yet for the residents here.

According to reports, the situation has worsened due to the opening of check gates at Chandili Dam in Jharkhand and heavy rains. More than 3,000 square kilometers of land spread over four blocks, including Jaleswar, was submerged in water. Thousands of people were affected by the flood. This spell of flood is now in the fourth day. The main road connecting Bholai and Kamarda in Khusada village Bhorai panchayat is inaccessible, further isolating the affected area. Though the water level has come down below the dangerous level, the troubles of the people continue. Local markets remain open even after sunrise, where people buy essential items like potatoes, onions and biscuits. However, the biggest concern is the drinking water crisis as many wells have been submerged. It is ironic that people are surrounded by floods but they are not able to get clean drinking water.

The cows that have not eaten anything for the last four days and survive only on water suffer the most. According to reports, farms and paddy fields are completely submerged and destroyed in the flood. Depending on the affected area, it may take more than 15 days for everything to return to normal.

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