
Feed Khaman Dhokla to guests, learn the easy recipe

You must have eaten Khaman Dhoklo, the famous food of Gujarat. Khaman Dhokla is not only delicious but also very healthy. Khaman Dhokla can be a perfect weekend breakfast recipe. The taste of spongy and soft Dhokla is very tasty and children also like its taste. Making Gujarat’s traditional Khaman Dhokla is very easy. If you are fond of Khaman Dhokla recipe then here we have brought an easy recipe for you. With the help of which you can prepare spongy and soft Khaman Dhokla at home. Let us know the easy way to make it.
Gram flour – 2 cups
Curd – one and a half cup
Mustard – 1 tbsp
Green chillies (cut lengthwise) – 6-7
Curry leaves – 10-15
Chopped coriander – 1 cup
Turmeric – 1 tbsp
Sugar – 1 tbsp
Lemon juice – 2 tbsp
Baking Soda – 1 tbsp
Oil – 2 tbsp
Salt- as per your taste
To make delicious Khaman Dhokla, first take a big bowl. Sieve a certain amount of gram flour in a bowl. Then add curd to gram flour and mix. Then add turmeric, 1 tablespoon oil, lemon juice and salt as per taste and mix well. Add little water to it and prepare a smooth paste. When this paste is ready, cover it and keep it aside for half an hour. After keeping the paste aside, keep water in a vessel to heat for a few minutes. After this, add baking soda to the gram flour solution and keep stirring on low flame. – After this take a vessel to make Dhokla. Apply oil inside the vessel with the help of a brush. Applying oil will prevent the gram flour from sticking to the pan. – After this, add gram flour solution in the vessel and cook it in hot water steam for 15 minutes. After 15 minutes, check with a knife whether it is cooked or not. For this you will have to insert a knife into the hole and see. If the knife comes out easily then it means it is cooked. If gram flour is not cooked, it sticks to the knife. If the Khaman is a little hard then you can steam it for 5-10 minutes. After this, turn off the gas and let the Dhokla cool down. When the dhokla cools down, cut it into small pieces with the help of a knife. Now we have to prepare its tadka, for this take a small fry pan and add 1 tablespoon oil in it and heat it. – After the oil is hot, add mustard greens and green chillies and fry. Add one cup of water and sugar in this tempering. Cook it until the sugar dissolves. Now the sun is ready. Spread this tempering over the cut dough. – Garnish Khaman Dhokla with green coriander. Tasty and healthy Khaman Dhokla is ready to serve.

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