
Farm-to-table food concept at Navodaya School in Andhra

VIJAYAWADA: A unique farm-to-table food concept is being implemented at the PM SHRI Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya, a Central Government Educational Institution, in Veleru village of Bapulapadu Mandal, Krishna district with students cultivating vegetables organically in the campus.

Around two acres of land within the school premises was levelled so that various vegetables like brinjal, okra, chilli, tomato (country), cabbage, sorrel leaves, amaranth, and spinach could be grown. Vegetable waste from the hostel mess is used as compost, while wastewater from the RO plant is diverted for irrigation.

Students and teachers actively participate in cultivating the vegetables. They engage in tasks such as cleaning and watering the plants during the weekly gardening period. School principal Mundlamuri Srinivasa Rao said, “In addition to education and sports, students’ participation in organic vegetable cultivation raises awareness about the challenges faced by farmers in providing food to the entire country. It also fosters a strong work ethic among students.”

A total of 1,000 kgs of brinjal, approximately 250 kgs chilli, and 200-300 kgs tomato, 200 kgs okra and a huge quantity of green vegetables have been harvested since August 2023. Part of the harvest was sent to other schools twice.

Class XI student V Sai Dinakar expressed happiness in being a part of the activity. “This way I can learn about how plants are grown and how farming is done. The feeling of being so close to nature is beautiful.” Another student, Poranki Siva Rama Raju, explained, “We now understand the value of good food and avoid wasting any while eating meals in the mess after working in the garden.”

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