ESIC introduces several provisions, check details

The Employees’ State Insurance Corporation (ESIC) has introduced several provisions to facilitate a seamless process of Aadhaar seeding for Insured Persons, ESIC Employees, and Pensioners.
These provisions such as IP Portal, Employer Portal or AskAnAppointment (AAA+) App ensure the continuity of the Aadhaar seeding process for its stakeholders.
Read below for more information:
ln line with facilitating the seamless process of Aadhaar seeding for lPs and their family members, ICT Division has devised the following provisions:
IP Portal: IPs can conveniently seed their Aadhaar and that of their family members by accessing the IP Portal. Aadhaar can be seeded through the “Aadhaar Seeding for lPs and Dependents” link, by providing the OTP received from UIDAI.
Employer Portal: Employers have been empowered to generate new Insurance Number using employees’ Aadhaar through OTP or bio-metrics verification. Additionally, employers can seed Aadhaar numbers of existing IPs and their family members on their behalf.
ESIC Staff: Branch Offices/ DCBOs/ Dispensaries/Hospitals are designated facilities where IPs can seed the Aadhaar numbers of themselves and their family members.
“AAA+” Mobile App: “AA.,{+” mobile app offers a convenient facility for IPs to seed their Aadhaar numbers and those of their family members either through OTP or through face authentication. Inclusion of face authentication aims to minimize dependency on OTP and bio-metric-based Aadhaar verification. Furthermore, ESIC Staff can also utilize the AAA+ app for Aadhaar seeding using OTP and Face Authentication.
All Regional Offices (ROs) and Sub-Regional Offices (SROS) have been advised to review and address local issues such as internet connectivity, LAN stability, and equipment conditions, as these factors also may affect connectivity speed and work of Aadhar seeding.
Additionally, all ROs & SROS are advised to utilize all modes of Aadhaar Seeding to maximize efficiency. ln case one method of authentication encounters issues, alternative methods should be employed to ensure the continuity of the Aadhaar seeding process.