
Elderly man dies after steel bomb explodes in uninhabited house in Thalassery

KANNUR: An elderly man tragically died in a bomb blast in Kannur Thalassery on Tuesday. Eranjoli native Velayudhan (85) is the deceased. The bomb blast took place on Tuesday afternoon when Velyaudhan went to collect coconuts in the farmyard adjacent to the uninhabited house. According to the police report, it was a steel bomb that exploded and resulted in the death of a senior citizen.

It is assumed that Velayudhan who was unaware of the steel bomb in the field tried to open it, resulting in the explosion. Velayudhan was seriously injured and was rushed to the hospital, but his life couldn’t be saved. A detailed investigation is being conducted into the incident.This incident also brings to light the inept work done by the police even after the infamous Pannur bomb blast case. It has been a recurring scenario in Kannur where shocking bomb blasts have been claiming the lives of innocent people. Bomb blasts and violence have been part of the political culture of Kannur since aeons and it is to be investigated whether this steel bomb blast has any connection with the recent political happenings in the district.According to locals, Velayudhan was a familiar face who used to frequent the farmyard to collect scrap items and coconuts.

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