
ED files complaint against Arvind Kejriwal in court

New Delhi. The Enforcement Directorate (ED) has filed a fresh complaint in a Delhi court seeking prosecution against Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal for not issuing summons in the money laundering probe. Official sources gave this information on Wednesday. He said that the latest complaint pertains to the national convenor of Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) not honoring summons numbers 4 to 8. ACMM Divya Malhotra’s court has fixed the master’s hearing for Thursday.

The ED had earlier filed a petition in a local court seeking prosecution against Kejriwal for not appearing in the first three summons issued to him in the money laundering probe related to the Delhi Excise policy. The court has listed the matter for hearing on March 16. Kejriwal, 55, had termed all these eight ED summons as “illegal” and had last informed the federal agency that he could be questioned through video conferencing link after March 12. The ED has filed the fresh complaint under section 174 of the IPC (disobedience to order of public servant), read with section 63(4) of the PMLA, which provides, among others, “willful disobedience to any direction.” Talks about “the person who does it.” Sections of law.

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