
Eat these foods to overcome Vitamin D deficiency

Lifestyle: Vitamin D is called the ‘sunshine vitamin’ because it is produced in the body when your skin comes in contact with UV rays. It is also found in supplements and natural foods. You must be coming under the sun’s rays every day. But are you still getting enough vitamin D?

Despite sunlight exposure, our human body still needs Vitamin D. You can also find active vitamin D in healthy and clean foods. In this article, below are the five best Vitamin D rich foods, which you should eat in every season, and can also include them in your regular breakfast and meals.

fatty fish
Fish – including salmon, tuna, mackerel and sardines – are strong sources of vitamin D. Swordfish and shrimp are also good options for this. Doctors recommend eating fatty fish rich in omega-3 at least twice every week. This fulfills your Vitamin D requirement.

Mushrooms are actually one of the only completely plant-based sources of vitamin D. To increase Vitamin D, it is advised to eat more mushrooms. They can be cut into salads or eaten as a side dish or cooked with roti or rice.

egg and cheese

Eggs and cheese are also a good source of Vitamin D. You can prepare and eat this in your breakfast and make a healthy start to your day.

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