
Drug peddlers spread misconceptions like death, paralysis and impotence in the society for their own benefit.

On International Anti-Drug Day, under the Drug Free India Campaign, as per the instructions of District Superintendent of Police Mr. Deshmukh Parish Anil, a public awareness workshop was organized on behalf of Meera Chowki of Police Station Jawahar Nagar at Nayak Dharamshala of Chhajgaria Basti, Jawahar Nagar, Sriganganagar.
Addressing as the keynote speaker on the occasion, Dr. Ravikant Goyal, Medical Officer in-charge of Government De-addiction Counseling and Treatment Center, said that increasing drug addiction can be controlled by public participation and collective efforts. We should refrain from giving social acceptance to intoxication on the occasion of our family happiness. The youth should learn not to offer drugs for the first time. Quitting addiction is difficult but not impossible. Addiction can be left with determination without any harm. Drug peddlers spread misconceptions like death, paralysis and impotence by giving up drugs to create fear in the society for their own benefit. Dr. Goyal gave a call to lead a drug-free life by informing about the symptoms of drug addiction, side effects of drugs, measures to avoid drugs.
Education Department’s representative social worker Mr. Munish Kumar Laddha said that India’s independence is the result of the bravery, hard work, sacrifice and sacrifice of more than four crore Indians. Will we keep seeing it getting wasted in drunkenness like this? Laddha called upon the youth to evaluate their dormant physical, mental, intellectual and spiritual powers and get involved in building a drug-free India. District Superintendent of Police Mr. Deshmukh Parish Anil is campaigning against drugs with the loyalty, responsibility and dutifulness, we all should cooperate in that. Due to the increasing effect of drug abuse, the youth are falling prey to untimely death, which is a matter of concern for the families and the society. Drug addicts become a burden on their family and society. Today, the families whose young boys or girls are addicted to drugs, the people of those families are so upset with their own children that they are forced to leave them there to get rid of them by paying huge sums of money at illegal centers opened in the name of drug de-addiction centers. Let’s go
Mr. Surendra Kumar, in-charge of Meera Chowki, said that the parents of the families whose children are involved in drug addiction should come forward for the counseling of their children and save their lives, leave the hesitation from the society and whenever it is considered necessary, the police and the doctor Take the cooperation of Educationist and social worker Banwari Lal Sharma said that the police administration is taking action against the illegal drug peddlers strictly according to the law, but those who have been misguided due to some reason and have come under the grip of drugs, they should be brought back into the mainstream of life. It is the collective responsibility of all of us to bring from here.
Para legal volunteer Indra Mohan Singh Juneja said that CLG member and security friend, area educationist, medical store operator, doctor should also play the role of ally in de-addiction work. To free the society from increasing drug addiction and crime, organizing drug addiction awareness workshops is a commendable effort. The results of these workshops will gradually come out in a big way.
Nayak Dharamshala head Munshiram Nayak, Naresh Sen, constable Krishna Sahu, constable Narendra Khindhar and a large number of citizens of the ward were present in the programme. At the end of the programme, Dr. Ravikant Goyal examined the health of more than 50 de-addiction patients and also gave them proper counseling. (with photo)

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