
Dr. A Farishta got a one-sided victory in the election of District Red Cross Society

Raipur. A 20-member management committee was formed in the general assembly meeting of District Red Cross Society held today under the chairmanship of Collector and Red Cross Society President Dr. Gaurav Singh. In the meeting, the members of the management committee voted for the election of the office bearers of the society. A total of 51 votes were cast for the selection of the management committee, out of which one vote was cancelled due to reasons.

In this election, 29 members were contenders for the management committee, out of which 20 people were to be made executive members, in which 20 were selected through voting. In this election, Dr. A Farishta got the highest number of votes i.e. 44 votes. After that, the second election was held at 3:30 pm. 4 office bearers were to be elected from among the 20 people. Who were Resident Secretary, Registrar, Vice President, State Representative.

In this election, District Panchayat Chairman Raju Sharma defeated his rival Satyanarayan Pandey by two votes and won the post of Chairman of Indian Red Cross Society. For the post of Vice President, Dr. Preeti Narayan defeated Mani Mukta Patil by 8 votes. For the post of Treasurer, Pallavi Pandey defeated Mohan Singh Chhawda by 8 votes. For the biggest post of State Representative, Dr. A Farishta defeated Avagad Rajesh Baba by 18 votes out of 20. After getting this one-sided victory, everyone congratulated Dr. A Farishta and told him to contest the election at the state level and give him their full support. After the election results, the Collector administered the oath to all the winning candidates and members of the management committee. Collector Dr. Gaurav Singh while congratulating the winning candidates on this occasion said that the members of the management committee should make a plan for the expansion of the society and every member should work towards getting lifetime membership to at least 10 people. Apart from this, efforts should also be made towards making patron members. During this, District Panchayat CEO Vishwadeep and members of the society were present.

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