
Do these simple measures on Wednesday, paths to progress will open

Today is Wednesday. In Hindu religion, Wednesday is dedicated to Lord Ganesha, son of Lord Shiva. On this day, there is a ritual to worship Lord Ganesha and observe fast. To strengthen the planet Mercury in the astrologer’s horoscope, it is advised to worship Ganpati Bappa on Wednesday.

Astrologers believe that worshiping Lord Ganesha leads to good luck and increase in income. Also one gets success in auspicious works. In astrology, there is a law to take measures to please Lord Ganesha and get his blessings. If you want to get rid of the financial crisis of life, then definitely follow the measures mentioned here on Wednesday.

Wednesday’s solutions
If you are facing any kind of problem in life, then worship Lord Ganesha after taking bath in the morning on Wednesday. During this, chant the following mantra 21 times and offer coconut to God. By doing this all the problems of life end.

Vakratunda Mahakaya
Suryakoti Samprabh.
Dev in Nirvignam Kuru
All work always.

To get rid of financial crisis, after taking bath in the morning on Wednesday, offer water to the Sun God. After this, anoint Lord Ganesha ritually and worship him and offer special offerings. It is said that by doing this remedy, financial problems are removed by the grace of Lord Ganesha.

Donate whole moong dal to a poor person
To get progress and progress in business and career, after worshiping Lord Ganesha on Wednesday, donate whole moong dal to a poor person as per your devotion. It is believed that by doing this remedy the planet Mercury gets strengthened in the horoscope. This leads to growth in business and career.

To fulfill your wishes, offer Durva and Shami leaves to Lord Ganesha during the worship on Wednesday. By doing this remedy every Wednesday, all the wishes of a person are fulfilled and Lord Ganesha is pleased.

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