
Dhamtari Superintendent of Police took crime meeting

Dhamtari. Superintendent of Police Prashant Thakur also reviewed the progress of work including compliance with the instructions given in the crime meeting and the previous crime meeting and the action taken on them. All the gazetted police officers and police station and outpost in-charges of the district participated in the said crime meeting. On 31st December and New Year, important guidelines were given regarding intensive checking of hotels, dhabas, lodges and in view of the crowd of tourists in tourist places like Gangrel, Modamsilli, Sondhur, Narhara, Park, traffic and security.

The Superintendent of Police gave strict instructions to follow the instructions given by the Director General of Police in the video conferencing.
While reviewing the pending crimes and complaints, with the aim of quick resolution and reducing the pendency, all the unresolved and pending cases were discussed with all the supervision officers and police station and outpost in-charges and important guidelines were given to resolve them.

By keeping a constant watch on the miscreants of the police station area, if their activity is found, to take proper preventive action and to take maximum action in the cases of anti-social activities like gambling, betting, illegal liquor, narcotic substances, Excise Act, Narcotics Act, Arms Act. Instructions were given, strict instructions were given to curb their activities by taking legal action against the persons involved in criminal activities and those involved in knife incidents.

Instructions were given to immediately resolve the pending letters of High Court/Senior Office and Police Office on priority basis. During the review meeting, the Superintendent of Police gave instructions to present the pending challans in the police stations within the time limit and to take necessary disposal of the pending seized goods.

Strict instructions were given to all the police station in-charges to respond and promptly resolve the letters from the Senior Office and Superintendent of Police Office. He directed all gazetted officers to investigate crimes and pending serious cases related to women and children as well as complaints related to chit fund companies and IT. After reviewing the Act cases at his level, he directed to form a police team as per requirement and send it to other provinces.

It has been said to resolve the pending cases after reviewing the police station wise pending crimes, complaints, summons/warrants, cases, missing persons, crimes registered against chit fund companies. Besides, all the in-charges have been asked to strengthen the information system to maintain peace and security in their respective police station areas and take action under as many minor and restrictive acts as possible to prevent property related crimes like robbery, theft, fraud etc.

and conduct night patrolling. And instructions were given to continuously and strengthen patrolling. Strict instructions given regarding security arrangements during VVI P./VI stay. Instructions were given to serve the summons-warrants pending in the court and to resolve the court work within time frame with full accountability.

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