
Detailed Sunabesha traffic guidelines released by Puri Police

Puri: In view of the Sunabesha of Lord Jagannath and his siblings a large gathering of devotees are expected in the holy city of Puri. The one way entry has been made for the devotees through barricade from Market crossing.

The devotees will enter the barricade at the Market Crossing and will proceed towards the Singhadwara Gate in front of Goinka Dharmasala, Marchikote and Radha Ballav Math.

All the devotees will take right turn by the side of Nandighosh Chariot and move in front of all the three chariot and will have darshan of Jews and exit through the passage in between Arunastamba and Taladwaja Chariot towards Market Crossing through western side of the Grand Road.

The devotees coming from eastern side of the Grand Road i.e from Netaji Crossing to Subash Crossing in the Lanes and By-lanes particularly from Dolamandapsahi Road, Marchikote Lane, Labanikhia Chhak, Chudapati Lane will not be allow to come straight to Grand Road.

The devotees coming in the above road will diverted to VIP Road from the respective crossing i.e. Mochi Sahi Chhak, Girls School Chhak, Old Sadar PS Chhak, JanhiMundia Chhak, LabaniKhai Chhak, Jaduani Library Chhak to reach Hospital crossing via VIP Road.

There after they will proceed towards Market Crossing to enter into barricade said the Sunabesha traffic guidelines released on Tuesday.

The devotees coming from Western side i.e. from Brahmagiri Side, Mangalaghata, Markandeswar Sahi, Mishra Sahi, Chudanga sahi, Hadagodia Sahi will be diverted in the respective crossing to come to Market Crossing via Jagannath Ballav, Shani Temple Lane and Shree Krushna Cinema Lane to entered into the barricade to move with main flow of devotees.

Similarly the devotees coming from back side of Temple i.e. Bali Sahi, Dhanakuti Sahi, Mani Kankika sahi, Harachandi sahi, Baseli Sahi and Lokanath Road will be diverted in the important crossing like Kakudikhai, Ganduachaura, Gadantietc to Market Crossing via Jagannath Ballav, Shani Temple Lane and Shree Krushna Cinema Lane to entered into the barricade to move with main flow of devotees said the Sunabesha traffic guidelines.

For convenience of devotees, signboards have been places to identify places, crossings and way to Bada danda. Any one requiring any assistance – 24×7 Puri Police help line number- 112, 6370967100 and 6370972100 is available for assistance.

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