
Deprived of road, Banjar villagers carry patient on shoulders

Residents of Brehtha village under Gadaparli panchayat in Banjar subdivision of Kullu district continue to grapple with the consequences of inadequate road connectivity, especially during medical emergencies.

The latest incident highlighting the issue involved a 70-year-old patient, who had undergone a critical operation at a private hospital in Kullu, a few days ago. Due to the absence of accessible roads, the patient was transported back to her village on the villagers’ shoulders, aided by a chair – a makeshift arrangement that underscores the community’s resilience amidst adversity.

The ordeal began when the elderly patient required urgent medical attention at a healthcare facility located several kilometres away from Brehtha village. With no direct road link, the journey to the hospital became a daunting task for both patient and her caregivers. It requires a person to walk around 7 km on an uneven rugged trek from the village to the roadside to avail of transportation facilities. Local residents recounted the arduous task of carrying the patient through the rugged terrain, navigating through narrow paths and uneven ground — a journey exacerbated by the lack of a viable transportation option.

“Upon successful treatment at the hospital, the patient’s return was an equally daunting task,” said Mohan Lal and Ashok Kumar, residents of Brehtha village.

The method adopted by the villagers demonstrates the community’s solidarity and resourcefulness. However, it highlights the urgent need for improved infrastructure and connectivity in the region.

“Residents face challenges in accessing essential services, including medical facilities, during emergencies. The lack of a proper road infrastructure not only prolongs response time during emergencies but also complicates routine travel, making it a cumbersome and often perilous undertaking,” says Nimat Ram, a local resident.

Banjar MLA Surender Shourie says that a proposal has been put under the MLA priority scheme to connect Gadaparli panchayat with a road. A detailed project report (DPR) is being prepared for the purpose.

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