Cultural programs were a hit in Raigarh

Raigarh: The holy festival of 15th August was celebrated with great pomp in the Government Lalit Boys and Girls Primary School of Jute Mill area. The decoration of the school was very attractive. Ramjane Bhardwaj, the president of the school development committee of the school, hoisted the flag in the school premises and paid tribute to the freedom fighters. In the morning, the students of the school raised patriotic slogans in the school with the tricolor in their hands, sang patriotic songs and inspired the people of the area to hoist the tricolor flag on their homes.
The children mesmerized everyone with patriotic songs and dances. The children created such an atmosphere by dancing on the song ‘Jalwa Tera Jalwa’ that the entire atmosphere became patriotic. On this occasion, the girl students of the school also won everyone’s heart on the theme “Betiyan”.
The headmistress of the primary and secondary school, teachers and other dignitaries were present in the cultural program organized in the school. While congratulating all the children and the residents of the area on Independence Day, Ramjaane inspired all the students to always remain humble towards the freedom fighters and the nation. On this Independence Day festival, the young children dressed in the costumes of freedom fighters were full of enthusiasm and excitement. The children took a pledge for the welfare of the nation.