
CR Patil said- there should be no opposition plus at any booth

An important meeting of BJP has taken place before the Lok Sabha elections. In which the state BJP executive meeting was held. Then CR Patil took charge in the executive meeting. This same lesson has been taught to the district organization officials.

Don’t have to win only 26 seats: CR Patil

In the executive meeting, CR Patil said that only 26 seats are not to be won. There should not be opposition plus at any booth. Bring results not just by effort. More than 15,000 negative seats have been added. Communicate with all beneficiaries before implementing the code of conduct. What was done to the beneficiaries and voter lists? Contact all beneficiaries before the conduct goes into effect in February.

An important meeting of BJP has taken place before the Lok Sabha elections. Guidance has been given to state and district BJP officials. In this, guidance has been given on how to reach the schemes of the Central and State Government to the public and how to motivate people towards BJP.

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