
Couple commits suicide, leaves ‘wish list’ for pet dog

Kolkata (IANS) | A couple in West Midnapore district of West Bengal committed suicide after leaving a wish list regarding the future of their pet dog. Local police recovered the bodies of Debasish Ghosh and Jolly Ghosh from their residence in Alamganj area on Friday night, along with a suicide note near their bodies.

Sources at Ghatal police station said that in the suicide note, the couple had written that the debt burden forced them to take such a drastic step. The rest of the note contained a wish list for her pet Golden Retriever dog ‘Jango’.

In the note, the couple expressed their wish that ‘Jango’ be handed over to an NGO working for the welfare of animals.

The note also contained details of ‘Jango”s eating habits along with a daily diet chart, police said. The note mentions the name and contact details of a veterinary doctor who had ‘Jango’ under his care.

The note ends with a heartfelt prayer that any person or organization adopting ‘Jango’ should take care of him as per the points mentioned in the wish list.

Police further said that they will make every effort to hand over ‘Jango’ to any NGO or any dog-lover who is ready to adopt him. But the question is where to keep it in the interim. It seems that the dog is in a completely confused state and is unable to track down its owners.


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