Constable of Haryana Police Sandeep Dhankhar made electric bicycle

Charkhi Dadri | Sandeep Dhankhar, appointed as constable in Haryana Police, has made an electric bicycle. This cycle is covering a distance of 150 kilometers at a cost of less than Rs.20 only. The cycle gets charged within three hours and consumes three units of electricity. The cycle is made from rickshaw tyre, rim, chain and iron. About five thousand rupees have been spent on its preparation. The speed of the e-cycle can be increased with a manual reduction and it has a maximum speed limit of 35 kilometers per hour.
Tell that the soldier who prepared the e-cycle, Sandeep Dhankhar, is a resident of village Sehlanga in Jhajjar district. He has also made paragliders, CNC and electric bikes before. Sandeep keeps on doing such innovations to fulfill his hobby. He has also built a garage in the room inside the house.
After leaving duty, Constable Sandeep devotes most of his time to his innovation. Also spends most of his salary on innovation. Sandeep did Diploma in Mechanical trade from ITI in 2012. Soon after that he was recruited as a constable in Haryana Police but later he started working on innovation.
Sandeep made a paraglider five years ago. This paraglider can fly up to a height of about 600 feet under aviation rules. Inside it, the engine of the bike and the paragliding wing for flight and the propeller for pushing have been installed. This paraglider runs on petrol. It can be flown for 30 minutes in about one liter of petrol. About 50 to 60 thousand rupees were spent in making it. Six months ago, Sandeep has shown his paraglider as a model at the Drone Application Research Center.