
CM Secretariat sought information on CHIPS office dispute

Raipur. CM Secretariat has also raised eyebrows on the recent appointments in CHIPS. The top officials have sought information from CEO CHIPS on the entire issue. After this, on Saturday, the holiday, the top officers of CHIPS were busy in correcting the documents and preparing the reply. People say that their presence in the office on Saturday can be confirmed by taking out the footage of CCTV installed in the office.

Sources are also telling that the Chief Minister’s Office has summoned the file of reappointment of previously dismissed employees recruited on the payroll of NISG/KPMG because no approval was taken on the file for these recruitments, but a letter was directly issued by CEO CHIPS to NISG and others. (We have the names of all). All of them were also present during the irregularities in the payment in the Bharat Net project.

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