Chhattisgarh’s first Ayurvedic hospital

Raipur. The first ayurvedic hospital of Chhattisgarh Dr Abhimanyu Ayurveda Multispeciality Hospital is going to be inaugurated by Hon’ble Chief Minister Vishnu Dev Sai on Wednesday at Kamal Vihar, Raipur. This hospital is a 20-bed fully equipped multispeciality hospital. Here treatment facilities for all diseases like pain, piles, panchkarma, pediatrics, gynaecology and skin will be available. Physiotherapy facility will also be available.
Hospital Director Dr Abhimanyu Sahu said that our Dr Abhimanyu Pain Relief Centre is operating in Samata Colony of Raipur for the last 5 years, where in the last 5 years about 12500 patients suffering from joint, nerve and muscle pain have been successfully treated, the biggest speciality of which is that this treatment is completely ayurvedic, which has no side effects and the cost is also less.
Dr Abhimanyu Sahu said that we not only treat patients of Chhattisgarh, but also the people of Chhattisgarh. Rather, patients come from different parts of India like Orissa, Jharkhand, Maharashtra, Rajasthan, Gujarat, some patients also take advice from abroad. To relieve their suffering, we started Ashtaveda Telemedicine facility 2 years ago, hundreds of patients are taking advantage of this facility. We have been manufacturing many of our medicines ourselves for the last 4 years so that patients can get the best medicine and treatment, these medicines are available in the market under the name of Ayurgenomics Botanical.
Dr Abhimanyu further said that I was feeling the lack of an Ayurvedic hospital in Chhattisgarh for a long time because many diseases require hospitalization of the patient to treat them, and the people of Chhattisgarh had to go out of the state for this, but now this lack has been removed, the people of the state will not have to wander outside. This hospital of ours is fully equipped, the facility of ancient Ayurvedic methods like Panchkarma, Shirodhara, Ksharsutra, Laser etc. will also be available here. Facilities like deluxe room, private room, semi private room, path lab, minor OT, medical etc. will be available in our hospital, our hospital will be ready to serve the patients 24×7.