
Chandigarh: Politicians lure faculty members to garner votes for their groups

Chandigarh: While student leaders and candidates are trying their best to woo voters ahead of the Punjab University Campus Student Council (PUCSC) elections, some are also holding meetings with faculty members and Senate fellows to get the result in their favour. Being a Sunday, it was a perfect time for student party leaders to visit teachers at their residences so that they do not attract attention. While candidates are busy campaigning among students, senior party leaders are making last-minute efforts to sway votes in their favour. According to observers present in the university campus, faculty members are in a dilemma due to factionalism in the party. While a senior Punjab University leader has asked a teacher to support the main faction, another teacher, who was earlier said to be inclined towards the main faction, may switch to a different faction. Even Senate members are being called up by alumni and their friends in politics seeking support. With teachers also divided into factions and many having links with mainstream political leaders, some are under pressure to support a particular candidate or party. “Faculty members on campus, especially the seniors, have research scholars who have good rapport with the students. These teachers can easily make a difference of 200-300 votes,” said a senior student leader. “In many departments, teachers are divided on the basis of ideology and political affiliation. There are factions in the teachers’ union as well. Students taking admission in PhD or research scholars doing PhD usually listen to their mentor or guide,” the leader said. “The post of president of the students’ council is the cradle of politics for a student. For mainstream politicians, this time the election has become a way to settle scores. That is why everyone wants to leave no stone unturned before September 5. Old students and party leaders who share a rapport with faculty members are here to meet them and seek their support,” said an old student from the campus. Not only teachers, but non-teaching staff are also being approached for support. Recently, the president of the Punjab University Staff Association uploaded a status on social media in which he requested his fellow employees to support the ABVP presidential candidate. He asked other members to ask their wards and family members to support the candidate.

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