
Chaitanya’s student secured first rank in NEET

Hyderabad: Sri Chaitanya emerged as the all-India topper in the NEET-2023 results, which saw more than 20 lakh students from across the country competing. All India 1st rank in the open category with 720 out of 720 marks was secured by Sri Chaitanya student Bora Varun Chakravarthi (1205120175) while S Varun (4102030633)bagged the All India 9th rank with 715 marks. ShashankKumar (3903160532) secured the All India 14th rank with 715 marks and Kanchani Raghuram Reddy (4201110013) secured the All-India15th rank with 715marks.

In the All India Open category,there are 4ranks within the top15, 10 within the top 50, 16 within the top100, as well as 1, 1, 1, 2, 3, 3, 5, 7, 7, 9, 10 ranks in various categories and11 out of the top10.

Sri Chaitanya alone secured 79 ranks within top 100 in all categories.

The presence of 55 Sri Chaitanya students with 700marks and above is a testimony to Sri Chaitanya’s dominance in NEET.

Dr.B.S. Rao, founder- director, Sri Chaitanya Educational Institutions, appreciated the students, their parents, faculty, and non- teaching staff for their consistent support, inspiration, and commitment.

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