
CG BREAKING: Liquor purchase rules changed, BJP government filed a caveat in the High Court

Bilaspur bilaspur news. The Chhattisgarh government has filed a caveat in the High Court regarding its new rule announced regarding the purchase of alcohol. In the caveat filed by the Advocate General’s office, it has been said that the government has changed the rule of purchase of alcohol. Now it has been decided to buy alcohol directly from the factory instead of licensees. In such a situation, there is a fear that a petition may be filed against this rule by any of the affected parties, in which there may be a demand to stop this rule. In such a situation, the state government expects that its side should also be heard in the court before taking any decision.

chhattisgarh news It is noteworthy that in the cabinet meeting held last week, it was decided to abolish the license system of FL 10 AB currently prevalent for bulk purchase and storage of foreign liquor and approval was given to purchase directly from the units manufacturing alcohol. Now Chhattisgarh Beverage Corporation will buy alcohol directly from the liquor manufacturing companies. In the previous government, liquor was purchased through three licensees. The BJP government had found that through this, poor quality liquor was being purchased at a higher rate. Also, good brand liquor was not available.

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