Canara Bank Abhanpur closed at 3 pm, account holders upset

Raipur. Almost all banks have opened in Abhanpur, here the condition of many banks is very bad, the lock hangs from 3:00 pm and customers are called at any time of the day.
Today when our team reached Canara Bank, it was seen that the lock was hanging from 3:00 pm, on calling, a woman officer replied from inside that Sir, today you have gone to set up a camp, you come tomorrow at 10:00 am, the customers who were there before this told that they were told to come on Tuesday between 4 to 5 pm. So if this is the condition of banks, then one can guess what would be the condition of other government offices, the Finance Ministry and bank management should pay attention to this so that the true meaning of opening the bank can be understood and the public can get convenience.