
BJP will attend MLA priority meeting: Jairam

Shimla. Leader of Opposition Jairam Thakur said that the decision of the state government to stop MLA funds has been taken only to harass the people of the state. The government itself is not doing anything, so it wants the MLAs to be stopped from doing anything.

He said that BJP has made it clear that if the government does not release the remaining money of the MLA fund by January 28, then the BJP MLA party will boycott the MLA priority meeting. Leader of Opposition said that the Chief Minister is lying in the matter of MLA Fund, it was not his intention to give the money to the MLA Fund.

Now after pressure from BJP he is unable to understand what to do. Responding to the Chief Minister’s words, the Leader of Opposition said that if the MLA Fund has not been closed then why the money from the MLA Fund which should have been released in November has not been released yet. Jairam Thakur said these things while talking to journalists at his residence.

Jairam Thakur said that the way Congress gained power by lying and now the Chief Minister wants to run the government by lying. But this cannot happen, his lies have been exposed and the country has completely rejected his lies. He reminded the Chief Minister that while playing the role of ‘Opposition’ in his own party’s government, he used to talk about the interests of the MLAs. The MLA used to talk about giving priority to the fund and the works assigned by the MLAs and today when he himself has got the opportunity, he is working against the interests of the MLAs.

He said that every MLA used to release funds from the MLA fund to carry out urgent development works in his assembly constituency, due to which many public interest works were completed on time and people got relief. Many development works like roads, retention walls, bridges, drainage etc. can be done immediately keeping in view the public interest without lengthy paper process. But the state government is stopping the public representatives from doing development work by withholding MLA funds.

In response to the questions asked by the journalists, Jairam Thakur said that the Chief Minister does not intend to build a campus of the Central University in Dharamshala. Our government had completed almost the entire process. Some technical things were left which have now been completed. The government has to deposit only Rs 30 crore. The remaining construction is to be done by the Central Government but the Government is deliberately not saving this money. Due to which this university cannot be formed.

He said that the Chief Minister should clarify his stand regarding the university campus whether he wants the campus in Dharamshala or not. The Leader of Opposition said that the incident of abusing an elected minority public representative by the defeated Congress leaders is very shameful. Such actions will not be tolerated.

He said that the Congress leaders should apologize to the public representatives for this shameful act, otherwise we are not going to remain silent. Along with this, he said that in programs of state importance, there should be respectable arrangements for public representatives, whether they are leaders of any party. Because such programs are government and it is organized by the government and not by any party.

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