BJP is a sinner, said Lakhma – can’t keep a poor person happy

Raipur. Ever since the BJP government was formed in the state and at the centre, Congress has been targeting BJP fiercely. Congress is targeting BJP on every small issue. In this episode, once again former Chhattisgarh minister Kawasi Lakhma has targeted BJP fiercely.
Kawasi Lakhma has given a big statement and called the BJP people sinners. Talking about the Ram Mandir invitation, former minister Kawasi Lakhma said that Rahul Gandhi did the right thing by rejecting the Ram Mandir invitation. Congress is not a partner in BJP’s sin. Kawasi Lakhma further said that water is dripping everywhere from Parliament to Ram Mandir. There is a government of scams from Sukma to Delhi.
Former minister Kawasi Lakhma targeted BJP and the government and said that the government is running on God’s mercy, even God is not supporting it. He further said that BJP says what did Congress do in 50 years, the bridges that were built during the Congress government, today those people are roaming in the same culvert. The people of BJP are sinners. These people cannot keep anyone happy, neither God nor farmers nor the poor.