
Bihar News: After leaving the salaried job, he started raising goats and chickens in the village

Bihar News: Bihar News: Quitting a high-paying job, rearing goats and chickens in the village, Across the world, there are many success stories where people quit their high-paying jobs to start their own business. Starting their own business gives people a sense of freedom and independence to do the work of their choice. They can provide quality goods or services directly to customers. Although running a business is extremely difficult, many people quit their jobs and do the same thing. Recently, another success story from Bihar is doing the rounds on the internet: a young man quit a good job and returned to his village to start his own business. It is learned that he rears goats and chickens in his village. Agnishish Murmu, who hails from Banka district of Bihar, left his well-paying job to return to his village. He revealed that he wanted to start his own business from the very beginning so that he could provide employment opportunities to others.

To start his own business, he first learned poultry farming while living in the city, then returned home and started his own poultry farm. After reaching the village, he started raising local chickens and goats. Gradually, his business started improving and started earning good income. Agnish started this business last year. He told that his poultry farm currently has 17 goats and more than 1000 local chickens. In the interview, he revealed that his expenditure on raising local chickens and goats is not that much. Another important thing he told is that he takes good care of them, due to which they stay away from diseases. He further said that there is no need to feed external food to the local chicken and the local goat. They are animals that graze and return from outside in return. He also said that they get a good price for them in the market. In the interview, he told the comparison between the chicken prepared in the poultry farm and the local chicken. He told that it costs Rs 80 to prepare a chicken in the poultry farm. But only Rs 30 to 40 are spent on local breed chicken.

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