
Bank employee played a big game, made transactions worth Rs 9 crore to speculators

Bhilai. Durg Police has again become active regarding online betting. Recently, after the raid in VIP Cafe, many more links of the arrested accused came to light, after which Supela Police has arrested two accused who arranged SIM and bank account for the operators of Mahadev App. One of the arrested accused was a temporary bank employee.

In collusion with which about 120 accounts have been opened in the bank, in which transactions worth Rs 8 to 9 crore have been made. This is the accused who was absconding during the recent Hukkabar raid going on in the VIP camp of Supela. Police had seized 50 SIMs and many accounts from the three accused caught in the raid. After which, on inquiring as to who opened the account and on which documents the SIM was issued, the names of Santosh Kosre and Kunal came up, who were arrested by Supela police yesterday. Additional SP Sukhnandan Rathore said that there will be many more revelations after investigation in this case.

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