
Bail petition of Vedvati Dariyo, who was TI in Raipur, rejected

Raipur. Former in-charge of women police station Vedvati Dario, who was caught red handed taking a bribe of 20 thousand, will now have to stay in jail. The special court of ACB EOW has rejected Dario’s bail plea.

Feats – TI Vedvati Dario, who was caught taking bribe, used to take even 500 rupees in bribe. On the condition of anonymity, a victim told that TI Vedvati Dario used to demand bribe according to small and big cases. If any victim reached the police station, then it was necessary to give bribe to TI Vedvati Dario. Without bribe, action was not started.

A victim expressed his pain – The said victim further told that TI Vedvati Dario has also beaten him. And she was bent on making him the accused in the case. Bribe-taking TI Devvati Dario did not understand anyone due to the generosity of higher officials. And in many cases, due to not getting bribe, she made the victims the culprits. Even after complaining to the higher authorities, no officer liked to hear against TI Devvati Dariyo, instead they used to send the case back to the TI. And after the complaint came back, her demand used to increase.

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