Award scheme for teachers soon to recognise excellence in education

Chief Minister Sukhvinder Singh Sukhu today said the state government was launching a new scheme, ‘State Award to Teachers and Head of Schools’. This initiative aims to recognise and honour the exceptional services rendered by the teachers in the state.
“Under the scheme, 24 teachers would be awarded in two categories – general areas and tribal/hard areas. As many as 15 awards would be designated for teachers in the general areas, nine awards would be for teachers posted in the tribal/hard areas,” said Sukhu.
The Chief Minister said the scheme would aim to minimise subjectivity in the selection process by focusing on learning outcomes, quantifiable indicators and educational innovation. “This initiative is intended to foster interest in teaching as a career, motivate high-quality teaching and enhance the reputation of educators within the community. It would also encourage the adoption of best teaching and learning practices in schools,” the Chief Minister said.
Sukhu further said that in addition to the 24 state teacher awards, the government would also confer six special awards to outstanding teachers who have made extraordinary contributions to innovation, the implementation of flagship state programmes and special initiatives.
Eligible candidates for these special awards include teachers posted in District Institutes of Education and Training (DIETs), State Council of Educational Research and Training (SCERTs), Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan (SSA) and Rashtriya Madhyamik Shiksha Abhiyan (RMSA). Recipients would be selected based on the recommendation by the state-level committee constituted under the State Award Scheme, and they will receive a memento, medal, Himachali cap and shawl, citation, and certificate.
The Chief Minister said that the teachers who have served up to March 31 of the current year would also be eligible for the nomination, provided they meet all other criteria. Applications must be submitted offline to the Deputy Directors through the concerned Controlling Officers from July 16 to 30, or as per the schedule set by the department.