
Assam: Women found dead under mysterious circumstances, family alleges conspiracy

Nagaon: Sensation spread after the dead body of a woman was found in Nagaon district of the state. While the husband’s family claimed that it was a suicide incident, her own family alleged that the act of suicide was perpetrated by the husband’s family. This incident came to light in Sonarigaon village of Nagaon district of the state. Azima Khatoon’s body was recovered from her husband’s house. Azima Khatoon, daughter of Akash Ali of Puthimari village, was married to Baharul Islam, son of Rahim Uddin of Sonarigaon village about a year ago. Azima Khatoon’s family alleged that Baharul Islam had started harassing her shortly after their marriage and said that a section of the family tortured her physically and mentally due to the demands of dowry from the new bride and her family. Was tortured by. He also mentioned that the extent of the torture increased the hardships for him, forcing his father to sell the property and pay over Rs 2 lakh to Baharul Islam’s family. But instead of giving relief to the victim, this incident caused more torture to her. In the light of these events, Azima Khatoon was found dead hanging from the window frame of her bedroom. The husband’s family said he was dealing with a case of suicide, while her own family said he was dealing with a case of planned murder. After the incident, Azima Khatoon’s family members have filed an FIR against Baharul Islam, Husnara Khatoon, Khairul Islam, Razia Khatoon and Nargis Sultana in connection with this incident. Due to this, many marks of war were found on the body of the deceased, which led the family to believe that he was beaten with a stick. Dhing police reached the spot and sent the body to Hospital Civil Bhogeshwari Phukani D Nagaon for post-mortem procedures. The family members have also appealed to the Prime Minister for justice over the death.

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